Prey-predator model

We consider the classical Lotka-Volterra prey-predator model, where a control can act on the predators in terms of a mortality term. The objective is to protect the preys, maintaining their density above a given threshold with the help of the control.

State variables

  • $x$ :  the preys
  • $y$ : the predators

Control variables:

$u$ :  the mortality term of the predators


$$\left\{\begin{array}{l}x'=x*(r-y)\\ y'=y*(x-m-u)\\ u\in [0;u_{\max}]\end{array}\right.$$
Dynamics parameters : $r$, $m$ and $u_{\max}$.

Constraint set


State domain definition

$$\left\{\begin{array}{l}x\geq 0\\y\geq 0\end{array}\right.$$

Parameter values

$r=1$, $m=1$, $u_{\max}=0.5$ and $\bar{x}=0.8$.


To compute this kernel with VIABLAB 3.02, juste copy this two following files :